Learning Outcome #5 & 6

In this learning outcome, I will talk about my ability to cite sources and edit local problems in the final draft of my chosen showcase writing project. Though my paper does not include many in-text citations, I prefer to cite a source in a sentence before the used quote because it makes the paper not only look better but flow better as well. In the case of condensing down a word count, this might not completely work. During the multimodal project, I had to really restrain myself on how much I talked about each source. In addition, I had to cite some sources that I had never really thought needed citing. My first major problem with this was that I was not completely sure how to cite a photo, as I am fairly new to using photos in essays. I also needed to figure out how to format an informal interview into my work cited page. However, in the case of generally citing a source in an MLA work cited page, I am fully confident. With the issue of local edits, I have already touched on the subject in learning outcome 1. With local edits, I usually like to have my sentences read back to me in one form or another in order to get a sense of how the sentences flow together.