Multimodal Statement

For this multimodal essay, I feel as though incorporating new ideas that I have never though of trying before is going to be a tough task to accomplish. Nonetheless, I want to experiment with conveying my ideas with new strategies.

The first thing I want to try and place in this essay is a video. I all of my essays, I have never once cited a video in any any of them. I want to use either one of the video projects that were made earlier last month. This will not only let me add diversity in the modes used in this essay but with the diversity of responses that I can make connections to.

Another thing that I want to experiment with is photos. For a long time I have been under the impressions that photos in an essay are unprofessional and provide no sense of sustenance for an essay. I want to prove myself wrong, to be able to use photos to their full potential and place them in such a way that it makes the information in the essay flow better than the essay would be without them.

Finally I want to be able to experiment with organizational formats that I thought were unorthodox. Doing some research on some formatting ideas, I have found some ideas that will prove interesting to try out.

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